jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

blog session 5

I chose this picture because it is one of my favorite sports, climbing mountains. I must say it doesn’t mean like wall climbing, it is more like trekking.
I started this hobby when I was a child (like 5 or 6 years old) and even when I went to Spain for 5 years I kept doing this with my father. In every excursion I have gone with my father, and we have lived a lot of adventures, from single trekking in one day to sleeping in the snow and the ice with 5 degrees below zero in higher mountains.

Despite all the cold, the exhaust and sometimes the pain when something happens, I love to climb mountains because I feel that I disconnect from the rest of the world by being in the pure nature, and living the different type of life and habits that we have in those conditions, like go far to find water, sleep in a tent, sleeping with the same clothes that you used in the day (even the shoes when it is too cold), the discomfort of the ground, etc. it is a nice type of adventure.

my thoughts about being a blogger

I have never made or read a blog before, I barely knew what it is, but with this subject I learned how to do one and I liked it, it is interesting to have a space in the internet where you can talk about anything and give an opinion and comment different things, it gives you a lot of possibilities, and it specially this class forces you to have an opinion about the things in your life, and I think that is an improvement to the society. In Chile at least, I found a lot of people who doesn’t want to give their opinion and they say that they don’t care when you ask them, and things like this blog helps them express their opinions and thoughts.
What I dislike a little bit about this blog, or this class is that it could be a little bit more separated of the career that we are studying, because we have in the rest of the week architecture (of any other career) in our minds, that doesn’t mean this class must talk also about it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love architecture, but that doesn’t mean that my life is 100% devoted to the career.

And the most difficult thing about writing blogs each week is organize my ideas and thoughts, because when I read the request of the week I already know what I want to write, but I am a bit dispersed and I tend to get away of the theme. And other difficult thing is reading Natalia’s blog, because with that type of letter I can´t read easily jajaja.

jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

the subject I enjoyed (most of the time)

I don’t think that I enjoyed one subject above all, because sometimes in this semester I liked ones and sometimes not, but I will talk anyway about workshop. The type of classes that we have in workshop are different than the normal classes, because we have no tests, but we have projects that we make and improve in the classes where the teachers correct us but without a mark, and it helps you a lot because with that you can learn in what you are lack and what you can improve in your project.

I can´t say I love this subject because I also suffered with it, because the teachers give you too much work, and even that’s why this career is known for his exhausting work. but despite all of that, I can say I like this subject because I like the way we work in classes, with almost none normal classes where the teacher talks all the time with no participation of the students, and I also like the things we do in workshop, the projects are very interesting and they help me develop new skills that will be useful in the future, it helps me develop a new way of watching the environment needed in architecture

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Antoni Gaudí

Antoni Gaudi was a Catalan architect who was born in 1852 and died in 1926. He was one of the best exponents of the modernism. He made a lot of projects and buildings that are very different than the common architecture (square shapes and regular and symmetrical structures based on the efficiency and with a very low interest on the design) because he made buildings with rounded shapes and multiple colors trying to be like the nature. One of the most famous buildings he made is the Sagrada Familia, a catholic temple that is so enormous that it is still being built, even after Gaudi’s death.
I admire him because I visited Barcelona, where he has all his projects, and I loved the way he builds, having so much care about the design, but always with a strong structure. If you ever travel there, you will be amazed because is a very different type of architecture that we are not used to see in our "normal" lives. Even, I also think that especially in Santiago the architects (or the building companies) care too much about make buildings that will make them earn more money, but they never care about for example how that building affects the environment, just like it happened in Castro with that huge mall.

Post 11: Saving the planet

About global warming, I think that we have never been worse, everywhere there are news and studies about how the environments all around t...